Nursery “Liepas” was founded by Zaiga Apse in 1993, driven by enthusiasm and a vision to establish a fruit tree nursery. The nursery experienced rapid development starting in 2000, with the introduction of container-grown fruit trees and winter grafting. Today, it is a thriving enterprise known for its high-quality plants across Latvia, the Baltic States, and Scandinavia.
Currently, Nursery “Liepas” is one of the leading nurseries in Latvia, specializing in the cultivation of fruit trees, berry bushes, and rose seedlings. We offer high-quality, locally grown apple, plum, cherry, pear, berry bushes, roses, apricot, peach, decorative, and columnar apple trees, all well-adapted to Latvia’s climate. The nursery has the widest selection of fruit tree container plants in Latvia. We participate in exhibitions, trade fairs, and mobile sales, and also offer educational tourism, where visitors can explore our nursery and demonstration garden.
Nursery “Liepas” is a member of the Latvian Fruit growers Association (LAAS) and the Nursery Growers’ Association (SAB), where we also serve as a board member. The nursery is registered with the State Plant Protection Service (VAAD).