Rožu iela 2, Dobele, Dobeles nov., LV-3701,, Birojs: +371 29507747 Stādu placis: 27738505, 24608507    





+371 29507747

Photo and video gallery

Garden Festival "See the World in Bloom" 2024

On July 6, 2024, the ninth garden festival “See the World in Bloom” took place at the plant nursery! This year, it was held in a more subdued manner as a garden day in a festive atmosphere.

In addition to visiting the rose garden and purchasing rose, fruit tree, and berry bush seedlings at friendly prices, attendees could buy “Anita’s Crafts,” freeze-dried fruits and berries, delicious raspberries, and special “Liepa” mugs.

A big thank you to every visitor for spending time together, your kind words, and greetings!

This year’s voting for the Rose of the Year was quite extensive, with a total of 43 rose varieties nominated. The variety ‘Mille et Une Nuits‘ won first place in the voting for this year’s rose, closely followed by ‘Gebruder Grimm‘ with just one vote less. Meanwhile, five rose varieties tied for third place – ‘Hot Chokolate‘, ‘Maria Theresia‘, ‘Cherry Lady‘, ‘Kordes Jubilee‘ and ‘Paprika‘.

Freeze-dried fruits and berries

Apples, pears, plums, raspberries, strawberries, and even peaches, along with other fruits and berries, are grown in Latvia, right here in our mixed-type fruit orchard at ZS “Liepas” . We use the integrated growing method in our cultivation, implementing environmentally friendly practices that reduce risks to human health and the environment.

To ensure that fruits and berries can be consumed during the winter, we carry out freeze-drying of the fruits and berries.

These fruits and berries are freeze-dried, or lyophilized.

Freeze-drying is a method of drying under vacuum, in which water is removed from products that have been frozen during the process. The products retain 90% of their natural flavor, color, nutritional value, and do not lose valuable vitamins.

During the drying process of fruits and berries, as water evaporates, their energy value increases proportionally, along with the amounts of fruit sugars, minerals, and protein substances (fiber) (according to SPKC data).

Freeze-dried/lyophilized products are:

  • natural
  • without added sugar
  • without food additives
  • vegan
  • melt-in-your-mouth
  • suitable for the whole family
  • for small children (from 1 year of age; for younger ones, assess the allergy risk)
  • hand made

Garden Festival "See the World in Bloom" 2023

On July 1, 2023, the eighth Garden Festival “See the World in Bloom” took place at the nursery “Liepas”!

In addition to visiting the rose garden and purchasing rose, fruit tree, and berry bush seedlings at friendly prices, the musicians Alise Šternberga and Āris Pickainis delighted attendees with a musical greeting in a jazz atmosphere. Visitors could also purchase “Anita’s crafts,” freeze-dried fruits and berries, seasonal fruits and berries, and special “Liepa” mugs.

A big thank you to each visitor for joining us, for the kind words and greetings on our 30th anniversary!

In the voting for this year’s rose, the first place was awarded to the variety ‘Kordes Jubilee‘ followed by ‘Cherry Lady‘ with one vote less.

Family story

A story about a family that has fostered the development of the entrepreneurial gene, passing it on to the next generation, which is unafraid to take risks and create its own.
Festivals are a time for families to come together and create their traditions, which is why we offer you to watch a video about the strong family of ZS “Liepas.”
You can also get to know the children’s businesses:

Participant of the Dobele Municipality Grant Competition in 2022.

In 2022, we submitted an idea to the Dobele Municipality grant competition “Develop Business in Dobele Municipality”!
We were pleasantly surprised that our idea was approved, and we received funding to continue our development.
Our business idea: “Acquisition of vacuum (sublimation) drying equipment for the processing of berries and fruits.”
You can currently purchase freeze-dried fruits and berries on our website here.

Nursery "Liepas" in 2023

In the video, a representative of ZS “Liepas” introduces:

  • our assortment;
  • family trees (where multiple varieties are on one tree);
  • freeze-dried fruits and berries.

The video also features our permanent sales plant areas and provides information about the date of this year’s Garden Festival “See the World in Bloom”

Dobele District Entrepreneur of the Year 2022

It was a great joy and pride to be here, to be nominated, and to see so many entrepreneurs, to talk with them, and to wish them good words and success in their future endeavors.

✨At the event, we received recognition from ALTUM “For long-term cooperation and growth,” thank you for the appreciation!

We want to extend a big thank you to our employees for their hard work at “Liepas” and for always maintaining a positive attitude even in challenging tasks!
✨It was also a great pride to see my sons and their businesses nominated in the categories.
✨That’s wonderful news! It sounds like SIA “Latroots” Ogotava-Puķotava is doing great work and gaining recognition. Congratulations on the nomination for “GADA INVESTĪCIJAS Dobeles novadā”!
✨ That’s wonderful news! It must feel great to see your sons’ businesses recognized for their hard work and dedication. Celebrating their achievements along with your own is definitely something to be proud of.
Wishing you a future filled with success in your endeavors! Best of luck to you and us!
📸 Krauze Vision

Nursery "Liepas" in 2022

Riga Plant Market in Autumn

Ilūkste Plant Market in Autumn

Dobele Nursery Plant Market

Garden festival "See the world in bloom" 2021

2021. On July 10, 2021 In July, the plant nursery hosted garden festivities, this year following the established safety measures and in a different format – as a tourism promotion event.

In addition to visiting the rosary and purchasing rose seedlings at friendly prices, musicians Oskars Millers and Gunārs Toms Narbuts delighted with a musical greeting.

Many thanks to the musicians, staff and visitors for the holiday feeling!

Garden festival "See the world in bloom" 2020

2020. On July 4, 2020 the annual garden festival “See the world in bloom” took place. During this festival, everyone was able to walk around the beautifully blooming rosary, enjoy the aroma of roses and participate in various activities. Thanks to the film crew from RīgaTV 24 show “Dzīvesstils” for the beautiful story! It is a great pleasure and satisfaction to watch this story about us.

Nursery "Liepas" in 2018

A brief video reel about our plant nursery and its development.

  • About our assortment;
  • About family trees;
  • About the advantages and disadvantages of container and bare-root plants;
  • About planting seedlings and how to do it;
  • About pruning seedlings in spring.

Garden tips: apricots and peaches.

In 2018, we were visited by Rīta Panorāma.

We told them about peach and apricot seedlings.

When they bloom, where to plant them, and how to plant them.

It’s possible that you might also be interested in these questions.

There is also a series of segments available where you can learn various gardening skills, but you can find out more on their YouTube channel.

Stories of Doers 2017.

2017. In 2017, we participated in the Stories of Doers. We told about ourselves, about “Liepas” and about our thoughts. Watch more in video. Video is in latvian.

More information about us and other businesses can be found here -> [press here]

Nursery "Liepas" in 2014

Nursery "Liepas" in 2013

About nursery "Liepas" in 2010

In this video, you can learn about the origins of the plant nursery, the diversity of fruit trees, and how to plant them.

About planting container plants.

Do you know how to plant, how to water, and how to care for seedlings?

Do you know how seedlings are potted?

In the video, you can find answers to these questions and much more!